Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lake House Update!

Things are really moving in Syracuse, IN! Awhile back, a young couple with a new baby asked me to "recreate" their house for them (see here).

Construction started right around Christmas and is really moving along quite well. For this project, we are nearly doubling the square footage of the house. They are going from a 2 bed, 1 bath to a 3 bed, 2 bath home-with an easement to Lake Syracuse, that's not a bad piece of property to own.

The new front facade. They were getting ready to install a huge bay window when I took this picture. Maybe next time....

The new north west facade. We had a lot line limitation (this house has THREE front yards due to a neighborhood plan that shows a road that was never built) and ended up cutting the master bedroom at a 45 degree angle to accommodate this set back. It worked out nicely!

Looking into the kitchen from the new dining room.

Looking onto the new front porch from the living area. Nice new windows!!!

In the master bedroom looking towards the new walk in closet and on suite. To the left in the frame is the 45 degree angle we cut for the lot line.

Will keep posting as more progress is made.